Free Breakfast
We are pleased to offer a free breakfast to pupils from Reception to Year 6. Breakfast is provided to enable children to have a healthy start to the school day, helping to improve the health and concentration of children and so raise the standards of learning and attainment; it is not a childcare service.
Toast, cereal, fruit juice and water is served.
The club is part-funded by a Welsh Government grant that commits to providing a free breakfast for all children of primary school age registered in maintained primary schools in Wales.
The number of places available is limited and they are offered strictly on a first come, first served basis. Places are allocated and offered annually in advance of the next academic year. Details of timescales for applications are shared in advance. If your child is not currently registered to receive a free breakfast and you would like them to access this provision, please contact the school office or download the application form below and email it to the school office.
Welsh Government information about breakfast clubs
Breakfast is served from 8:15 am in the canteen. Pupils attending should enter the school through the gates at the front of school where they will be registered. In order to keep our children safe and to ensure sufficient time to serve all children breakfast, the gate closes at 8.25 am.
At 8.45 am, children in Years 3 - 6 move to their classrooms and children in reception to Year 2 are taken to theirs.