Grant Spending
Schools in Wales receive a grant from Welsh Government (Pupil Development Grant and Early Years Pupil Deprivation Grant) specifically for the purpose of reducing the impact of poverty on educational achievement.
The total number of pupils on school roll in September 2024 is 463 plus 24 full time equivalent nursery pupils. This is approximately 20 fewer children than September 2023​.​
The school’s FSM population is around 8.00%. This is less than the percentage in the previous year.
The total allocation of EYPDG and PDG to Charles Williams Church in Wales Primary School for April 2024 - 2025 is £31,080
The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation:
Part-fund the salary of teaching assistants to provide emotional and social literacy support.
Part-fund the salary of teaching assistants to work with individuals and small groups of pupils to support them in the development of literacy and numeracy skills.
The school’s PDG and EIG plans are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body and the EAS and monitored by the Local Authority.
Every school in Wales is awarded a Professional Learning Grant to develop staff's knowledge, skills and experience to enable the school to become a learning organisation that can better meet the needs of its pupils.